Saturday, December 24, 2011

Our cute kids!

Brielle loves dressing up her "sidekick" for all her adventures.

She even made me be Waldo

Happy Landon!

Landon is just about 4 months old now. He has become the happiest baby once he hit the 3 mos mark. It has been a big sigh of relief! Fussy babies are no fun! He has found his voice and can screech really loud but as long as he is involved and sitting right with everyone else, he is content.

End of the Harvest

I didn't get to do much canning this year, but my sister & I were able to do some applesauce & pie filling. It was our first time doing apples, but they turned out so yummy! I made these little gift tags to give with our bounty to the neighbors that let me take their apples. 

First Snow Day!

All Smiles Here!