Tuesday, September 16, 2014

WVC Tikes Bike Parade & First DR appt after twin reveal!

Just before the 4th of July the WVC Tikes got together for a bikes parade. I helped get the kids bikes all ready and then headed to my doctor appointment. Landon impressed all the other moms by how well he kept up with the big kids on his little trike. I'm sure he didn't want to be left behind. 
 I met Jeremy at the doctor's office where we got a few more pictures of our little GIRLS!! That's right they are both girls! Brielle is pretty excited. Landon is set on calling them brothers! We'll have to work on that. We now refer to them as Baby A & B. Baby B is a little smaller than Baby A, but they are sure she will catch up in no time. She is more active than Baby A, but I think that is because she has more room to move. Every month now and every appointment later (as they become more frequent) I will have an ultrasound. Pretty fun to see them in their more often then you would with a singleton birth. 
So sweet to see their little profiles.

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